We are here for you, hosting buskers, journalists, photographers, writers, dancers, statues, mimes - artists in all forms. Providing up to the minute information on street performing in New Orleans. Resources such as a civil rights lawyer,medical care, housing and more.


 504 943 9149 - The phone is rarely answered but were home and check often. Please leave your #; we have no caller ID.

 We will return your call promptly, but you can just show up. The address, directions, and a map can be found below.

The Buskers Bunkhouse is located in Bywater, just 2 miles from the

French Quarter. You can walk and there is a bus, but most of us ride bikes. We probably have one you can use or fix. We are currently able to host free for up to three days (providing we have an open bunk) for artists of any form age 25 or older, with longer stays available depending on the situation. 


We are a private enterprise and do not take cash donations . Busking and art are our only forms of income.


Click On The Red Thumbtack to view directions to Buskers Bunkhouse.



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